HPM White Mouth Wash -

バーコード: 0076970706488(EAN / EAN-13) 076970706488 (UPC / UPC-A)

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販売の国: アメリカ合衆国



filtered water, hydrogen peroxide, xylitol, citrus grandis (grapefrut) seed extract, thymus serphyllum (white thyme) leaf oil, eucalyptol (eucalyptus), menthol, natural wintergreen flavor, discussion: experience the fresh taste of clean as extra strength, oxygen-releasing molecules make your mouth come alive, zesty essential flavors of eucalyptus, thyme, menthol and wintergreen help power fresh breath, potent xylitol, grapefruit seed extract, and hydrogen peroxide's unique bubbling action will make your mouth feel super clean, swish with hpm" white for a sparkling smile! free of alcohol, sugar, phthalates, parabens, artificial flavors and colors mfd, by seychelles organics, inc, www,skinwell,com comments or questions: heritage store bowling green, fl 33834 ©2013 1-800-265-8056 www,heritagestore,com eco-filands stely-free please recycle

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